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  3. Using the plugin

Using the plugin


You need to install the DataSyncr plugin on a local site and a remote site. The Application Passwords plugin is only required on a remote site.

Configure remote site

Configure Application Passwords

The Application Passwords plugin gives you a new area on the user profile page. Select a user that you want to push as and create an application password. Save the password so you can reuse it when configuring DataSyncr.

Configure DataSyncr

Go to Settings->DataSyncr and click the API tab. Check “Accept PUSH requests” also generate a REST secret and save the code for reuse later when configuring DataSyncr locally. Then click “Save Changes”.

Configure local site

On your local site visit Settings->DataSyncr and click the API tab.
Check “Enable PUSH requests” and click save changes. Afterwords your settings page will look as below.

  • API Endpoint: The URL of your remote site.
  • API Key: The username the you created an application password for.
  • API Secret: The application password you created.
  • API Enable REST secret: The REST secret you generated earlier.


After you have setup up your local site go to the Integration tab and check which post types you want to enable “push to remote” on. The plugin does not support tags, taxonomies or media library items. It does not push all post metas either. The main focus for the first release is Elementor templates.

Updated on 2019-12-16

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