

The Archive widget is to be used on Elementor Archive templates. It hooks into the default WordPress archive query and displays the archive custom post type.

Example with custom template


Query tab

The query tab contains the settings that controls which posts are shown in the archive. The difference between the QE – Posts widget and the Archive widget is that you cannot control which custom post type that is listed. The widget uses the default WordPress archive query.

It’s on the query tab that you decide what posts to show using numerous settings. For instructions on how to configure the query see the specific Query tab article.

The query part of the widgets tries to fully implement a graphical interface for the WP_Query class.

Layout tab

What should be shown and how is decided on the layout tab. It supports both built in skins and also Elementor templates. For full documentation see the Layout tab article.

Item Layout

Under the item layout section you can configure how you want the various post items to be displayed on the page.

Standard – Content tab

When using the Standard skin new tabs are enabled. On the content tab you can configure what is shown using the Standard skin.

You can easily decide what you want to show when using the Standard skin. It gives you numerous switches that shows or hides various post content.


On the style tab you can configure basic settings regarding container heights and item dimensions. Styling is done per item in either a Elementor template or changing settings on the “Content” tab when using a skin.

When you are using the standard skin you have numerous settings to play around with.

Updated on 2020-08-04

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